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marie-france guenette

Marie-France Guénette

Professeure adjointe

Département de langues, linguistique et traduction


Pavillon Charles-De Koninck Local 3306

Version française

Marie-France Guénette is an Assistant Professor of Translation Studies in the Department of Languages, Linguistics and Translation at Université Laval (Canada) and a member of the Canadian interuniversity research groups on digital humanities (CRIHN) and early modern studies (CIREM16/18). Her research interests lie at the intersections between transnational cultural exchanges, translation history, translators’ agency, and reception studies. Her current project on early modern studies, funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, explores the functions of manuscript and print translations at the English court of King Charles I and Queen consort Henrietta Maria (1625-1649). In 2021, the volume Situatedness and Performativity: Translation and Interpreting Practice Revisited, which she edited jointly with Raquel Pacheco Aguilar, was published at Leuven University Press. She leads the research program on digital writing and editorialization with Marcello Vitali-Rosati (UMontreal), within the Quebec-based Digital Humanities research group (CRIHN). Since January 2022, she has collaborated with Angela Ferraro (Faculty of Philosophy, ULaval) to create a new research centre on interdisciplinary early modern studies at University Laval, in connection with the CIREM16/18.

Researcher affiliated with the Digital Humanities research group Centre de recherche interuniversitaire en humanités numériques (CRIHN), Leads research axis on Digital writing and editorialization with Marcello Vitali-Rosati
Collaborator, interdisciplinary early modern research group Centre interuniversitaire de recherche sur la première modernité XVIe-XVIIIe siècles (CIREM 16-18)
Vice-President of The Canadian Association for Translation Studies (ACT-CATS)


  • Economic and financial translation
  • Technical translation
  • General translation (English-French; French-English)
  • Marketing/Localisation
  • Special topics and directed reading courses


External funding

SSHRC Insight Development Grant (2021-2024). Project title: Transnational cultures of translation in the reign of King Charles I and Queen Henrietta Maria (1625-1649): A study of manuscript and printed translations in early modern Britain. $49,679. Principal Researcher: Marie-France Guénette. Graduate research assistants: Kim Labelle (Ph.D. candidate), Ariane Lefebvre, Ph.D., Catherine Girouard, Jade Parent, Hélène Thivierge (M.A. students).

Secrétariat du Québec aux relations canadiennes - Francophonie canadienne (SQRC), volet transfert d'expertise (2022-2023). Grant to support the organization of an Introduction to research day for undegraduate students in translation programs at Université Laval and Moncton University. Principal applicant Marie-France Guénette, co-applicant Arianne Des Rochers (Moncton). $9,600.

Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la première modernité 16e-18e siècle (CIREM 16-18) (2022-2023). Grant to redesign the Cercle interuniversitaire d’étude sur la République des Lettres (CIERL) website. Principal applicant Marie-France Guénette; co-applicant Angela Ferraro (Laval, Faculty of Philosophy). $2,812.

Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la première modernité 16e-18e siècle (CIREM 16-18) (2022-2023). Grant for the organization of an interdisciplinary conference on early modern history at Université Laval, event on April 21, 2023. Principal applicant Angela Ferraro (Laval, Faculty of Philosophy); co-applicant Marie-France Guénette. $2,809.

Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (2022-2023). Multilingual collaborative translation of the ADHO website into French and Spanish with Cecily Raynor (McGill). $7,945. Research assistants: Jade Parent, Marilou Plamondon, and Lidia Ponce de la Vega.

Groupe de recherche sur les éditions critiques en contexte numérique (2022-2023). Grant to fund a pilot project with Cecily Raynor (McGill) on multilingualism and translation in the digital humanities. $3,000.

SSHRC – Connection Grant (2022). Conference Écrire / Traduire / Visualiser les humanités numériques, co-applicant (principal applicant: Dominic Forest, Université de Montréal; 2 co-applicants). $23,040.

Institutional funding

Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences humaines, Université Laval (2023-2024). Appui à la recherche, à la création et à la recherche-création (enveloppe exceptionnelle): start-up grant for new project. $10,000.

Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences humaines, Université Laval (2022-2023). Appui à la recherche, à la création et à la recherche-création (enveloppe exceptionnelle) volet mobilité. Travel grant. $4,000.

Faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines and Département de Langues, Linguistique et Traduction, Université Laval (2023). Programme d’appui à l’innovation pédagogique (PAIP). Funding offered in the form of a course release to prepare a new course. Project code: AP528270. $12,500.

Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences humaines, Université Laval (2022-2023). Appui à la recherche, à la création et à la recherche-création (enveloppe exceptionnelle) volet mobilité. Travel grant for Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference in San Juan, Porto Rico in March 2023. $1,000.

Faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines, Université Laval (2022-2023). Start-up grant. Project title: Les paratextes de traités philosophiques traduits en circulation entre les Îles britanniques et le Continent européen (1600-1750). Project co-directed by Marie-France Guénette and Angela Ferraro (Faculty of Philosophy, Laval). Project code: AP526662. $7,000.

Service de développement professionnel (SDP) and Government of Canada (2021-2023). Salary grant for research assistants. $15,420.

Faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines et Service de développement professionnel, Université Laval (2022). University research support program for undergraduate students. Research assistants: Marilou Plamondon and Jade Parent. $5,000.

Université Laval Research Development Office and SSHRC Exchange Program (2020-2021). Principal Researcher: Marie-France Guénette. Project title: Transnational cultures of translation in the reign of King Charles I and Queen Henrietta Maria (1625-1642): A multi-directional study of printed translations in early modern Britain and France (130118). $5,000. Research assistant: Hélène Thivierge.


Edited Book

Aguilar, R. P. and M.-F. Guénette, eds. 2021. Situatedness and Performativity: Translation and Interpreting Practice Revisited. Leuven: Leuven University Press. https://lup.be/products/172275

Peer-reviewed articles and chapters

Belle, M.-A. and M.-F. Guénette. 2024. “Connected Identities: Representing Women in 17th-Century English Translation and Print”. In Translation and Transposition in the Early Modern Period, edited by Karen Bennett and Rogério Miguel Puga. Abingdon: Routledge.

Guénette, M.-F. 2023. “La traduction comme processus d’interférence éditoriale : l’agentivité au cœur de la question”. In Histoire de l’édition. Enjeux et usages des partages disciplinaire (xvie-xviiie siècle). Edited by Maxime Cartron, Nicholas Dion and Sophie Abdela. Paris: Garnier. https://classiques-garnier.com/histoire-de-l-edition-enjeux-et-usages-des-partages-disciplinaires-xvie-xviiie-siecle-la-traduction-comme-processus-d-interference-editoriale.html

Guénette, M.-F. 2023. “À la limite de la traduction : le cas de Pierre-Antoine de La Place (1745-1799)”. Chronotopos: A Journal of Translation History, 4 (1), special issue on Translation Theories of Translators, 66-80, DOI: 10.25365/cts-2022-4-1-4. https://chronotopos.eu/index.php/cts/article/view/6315/8218

Guénette, M.-F. 2022. “Economic and financial translation: key factors for successful training“. Translation Matters, 4 (2), special issue on Translation and Money. Edited by Karen Bennett. https://ojs.letras.up.pt/index.php/tm/article/view/12552

Belle, M.-A. and M.-F. Guénette. 2022. “Translation and Print Networks in Seventeenth-Century Britain: From Catalogue Entries to Digital Visualizations”. In New Technologies in Medieval and Renaissance Studies (NTMRS). Edited by Matthew Davis and Colin F. Wilder. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. https://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/distributed/N/bo99702271.html  

Guénette, M.-F. 2021. “Insights into Technical Translation Course Design”. In Current Trends in Translation Teaching and Learning. Edited by Mikel Garant, 196-235. http://www.cttl.org/cttl-e-2021.html.

Guénette, M.-F. 2021. “Restoration Through Historicist Translation”. In Situatedness and Performativity: Translation and Interpreting Practice Revisited. Edited by Raquel Pacheco Aguilar and Marie-France Guénette, 149-168. Leuven: Leuven University Press.

Aguilar, R. P. and M.-F. Guénette. 2021. “Introduction”. In Situatedness and Performativity: Translation and Interpreting Practice Revisited. Edited by Raquel P. Aguilar and Marie-France Guénette, 11-22. Leuven: Leuven University Press.

Guénette, M.-F. 2019. “Channelling Catholicism Through Translation: Women and French Recusant Literature Around Queen Henrietta Maria’s Court (1625-42)”. Status Quaestionis. Language, Text, Culture (17). https://rosa.uniroma1.it/rosa03/status_quaestionis/article/view/16388.

Guénette, M.-F. 2019. “Introduction : Special Issue, Women’s Authorial Agency and Print Culture”. Early Modern Digital Review 2(4). Printed in Renaissance et Réforme 2(4): 159-162.

Guénette, M.-F. 2016. “Agency, Patronage and Power in Early Modern English Translation and Print Cultures: The Case of Thomas Hawkins”. TTR: Translation, Terminology, Writing, 29(2): 155-176.

Guénette, M.-F. 2016. “Tui Shou: A Theoretical Framework for (Re)translation History?” In The Pushing Hands of Translation & its Theory: In Memoriam Martha Cheung 1953-2013. Edited by Douglas Robinson, 85-96. Abingdon: Routledge.

Lemieux, A. and Guénette, M.-F. 2016. “Entre histoire et fiction : la Rébellion des Patriotes en roman et en bande dessinée pour la jeunesse québécoise” In Fictions historiques pour la jeunesse en France et au Québec. Edited by Brigitte Louichon and Sylvain Brehm, 271-295. Pessac: Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux.

Guest-Edited Journal

Guénette, M.-F. 2019. Special issue on women’s authorial agency and print culture. Early Modern Digital Review 2(4). https://emdr.itercommunity.org/index.php/emdr. Printed in Renaissance and Reformation 42(4),  https://jps.library.utoronto.ca/index.php/renref/issue/view/2258.

PhD Thesis

Guénette, M.-F. “Traducteurs et traductions imprimées à la cour anglaise de la reine Henriette-Marie (1625-1642).” Doctoral Thesis, Université de Montréal, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/25596.

M.A. Thesis

Guénette, M.-F. “Oroonoko d’Aphra Behn en traduction française (1745-2009)”. Masters Thesis, Université de Montréal, 2014. https://papyrus.bib.umontreal.ca/xmlui/bitstream/handle/1866/11904/Guenette_Marie-France_2014_memoire.pdf.


Guénette, M.-F. 2021. “Silva, A. 2019. The Brand of Print. Marketing Paratexts in the Early English Book Trade. Brill: Leiden”. De Gulden Passer. Tijdschrift voor boekwetenschap. Journal for Book History 99(2): 375-380. https://bibliofielen.be/en/product/recensies-dgp-99-2021-2/.

Guénette, M.-F. 2019. “Coolahan, M.-L., PI. 2014-2020. ‘The Reception & Circulation of Early Modern Women’s Writing, 1550-1700’”. Early Modern Digital Review 2(4) https://doi.org/10.25547/emdr.v2i4.81 . Printed in Renaissance and Reformation 42(4): 169-176. jps.library.utoronto.ca/index.php/renref/article/view/33715.

Guénette, M.-F. 2017. “Garcia Barrera, S. 2015. ‘Le traducteur dans son labyrinthe : la traduction de l’Amadis de Gaule par Nicolas Herberay des Essarts (1540). Soria: Vertere”. META: Translator’s Journal, 62(2): 471-474.

Guénette, M.-F. 2015. “Cattrysse, P. 2014. ‘Descriptive Adaptation Studies: Epistemological and Methodological Issues’. Antwerp: Garant”. TTR: Translation, Terminology, Writing, 28(1 and 2): 274-277.

Guénette, M.-F. 2014. “Chevrel, Y, D’hulst, L. & Lombez, C., eds. 2012. L’histoire des traductions en langue française, volume 19e siècle. Paris: Verdier”. TTR: Translation, Terminology, Writing 27(1): 229-234.

Guénette, M-F. 2013. “O’Driscoll, K. 2011. Retranslation Through the Centuries: Jules Verne in English. Berne: Peter Lang”. TTR: Translation, Terminology, Writing 26(1): 265-271.


Peer-Reviewed Conference Presentations

Guénette, M.-F. 2024. "Teaching Economic and Financial Translation to Newcomers in the Field". Session Title: Teaching Practices in Translation and Interpreting from Across the Northern Hemisphere. TTR Conference: Redefining Translation? Historical fluctuations, new practices and epistemologies in the making, Montreal, June 12, 2024.

Guénette, M.-F. and K. Labelle. 2024. "Overcoming Challenges to Build a Catalogue of 17th-Century Manuscript Translations". Session title: Charting the Way: Cataloguing British Translations in Manuscript and Print (1473-1660). Renaissance Society of America 2024 Annual Meeting, Chicago (United States), March 23, 2024. 

Guénette, M.-F. 2023. "Des chiffres et des scriptes : subversion linguistique dans les manuscrits traduits du 17e siècle". Journée d'étude Traduction et subversion, Université de Montréal, Montreal, October 20, 2023.

Guénette, M.-F. 2023. “E/rasure of Girls' Agency in Historical Data”. Panel title “Girls' Positionalities at the Intersection of Identity and Violence”. Conference Combattre la violence fondée sur le genre/Combating Gender-based Violence, Université de Lille (France), planned for July 5, but postponed due to civil unrest in France.

Guénette, M.-F. 2023. “Le mal du 17e siècle: problèmes de metadonnées dans les manuscrits traduits”. 302 - De la transformation des sciences humaines par les humanités numériques. Colloque du CRIHN-GREN 2023. 90e Congrès de l'Acfas, Université de Montréal, Montreal, May 8, 2023.

Guénette, M.-F. 2023. “Confronting Metadata: The case of 17th-Century Manuscript English Translations”. Session Title: New Technologies and Renaissance Studies IV: Early Modern Digital Research: Names and/as Metadata 2, organized by Laura Estill (StFX) and Lauren Beck (Mount Allison). Renaissance Society of America 2023 Annual Meeting, San Juan (United States), March 11, 2023.

Guénette, M.-F. 2022. “Moving Mountains? Early Modern Maps in Translation”. Paper presented at the Annual conference of the Association of the Historians of Germany: Die Sprachen der Frühen Neuzeit. 14. Arbeitstagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Frühe Neuzeit im Verband der Historiker und Historikerinnen Deutschlands, Bamberg, Germany, September 22, 2022.

Guénette, M.-F. 2022. “Agentivité, réseaux et rôles des femmes dans la littérature traduite à la cour d’Henriette-Marie”. Paper presented at the 4e Colloque international transversal du Centre interuniversitaire de recherche sur la première modernité (CIREM16-18), Montreal, June 16, 2022.

Guénette, M.-F. and C. Raynor. 2022. “Traduire pour démocratiser le savoir : le cas des humanités numériques”. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Translation Studies, virtual event, May 17, 2022.

Guénette, M.-F., J. Parent and M. Plamondon. 2022. “La formation en traduction technique au service des humanités numériques”. Paper presented at the Colloque de l’ACFAS intitulé Le numérique dans les sciences humaines: Édition et Visualisation organized by CRIHN, virtual event, May 9, 2022.

Guénette, M.-F. 2021. “La traduction comme processus d’interférence éditoriale”. Paper presented at the Colloque du Centre interuniversitaire de recherche sur la première modernité (CIREM16-18) sur l'Histoire de l’édition : problématiques et enjeux des partages disciplinaires (XVI-XVIIIe siècles), Musée des Civilisations de Québec, October 21, 2021.

Guénette, M.-F. 2021. “Outspoken or Invisible? Situating the Translator Amid the Ethical Perils of Translation”. Paper presented at the Open Borders: Translation and its Perils symposium, Lehman College, City University of New York, virtuel event, October 15, 2021.

Guénette, M.-F. 2021. “Pour une invisibilité du traducteur, essai sur l’éthique de la traduction subversive”. Paper presented at the Canadian Association for Translation Studies Conference, University of Alberta, virtual event, June 1, 2021.

Guénette, M.-F. 2021. “Speaking for the French Minority: Historical Accounts of a Fictional Young Girl”. Paper presented at the Women’s and Gender Studies et Recherches Féministes (WGSRF). Interdisciplinary Feminist Sessions symposium, Round Table Girls’ Studies: The State of the Art, virtual event, May 30, 2021.

Guénette, M.-F.  & C. Raynor. 2021. “Traduire les humanités numériques : un projet pilote multilingue.” Paper presented a the Colloque de l’ACFAS, panel titled Éditions critiques multilingues: challenges et opportunités, Université de Sherbrooke, virtual event, May 4, 2021.

Guénette, M.-F. 2021. “The Linguistic and Geographical Indirectness of Early Modern Translations”. Round Table titled “Indirect Translations in Early Modern Europe: Linguistic, Material, and Cultural Mediations (II)”. Renaissance Society of America 2021 Annual meeting, Dublin (Ireland), April 7-10, 2021.

Guénette, M.-F. 2020. “Visualizing Female Agentic Networks in Translated Literature around Queen Henrietta Maria”. Renaissance Society of America, Philadelphia (United States), April 4, 2020. Event cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic.

Guénette, M.-F. 2019. “Flattery Will Get You... Across the Channel: Patronage, Politics and Power at Play in Liminary Materials”. Paper presented at the Atlantic Medieval and Early Modern Group Annual Symposium, Dalhousie University and University of King’s College, Halifax, NS, October 26, 2019.

Guénette, M.-F. 2019. “Digital Scholarship in Medieval and Early Modern Studies” (Roundtable). Paper presented at the Atlantic Medieval and Early Modern Group Annual symposium, Dalhousie University and University of King’s College, Halifax, NS, October 25, 2019.

Guénette, M.-F. 2019. “‘Hazarding the Perils of the Sea to Render Homage to a Queene’: Paratexts as Pathways to Transnational Networks of Cultural Exchanges”. Paper presented at the Canadian Association for Translation Studies Conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, June 3, 2019.

Guénette, M.-F. 2019. “Channelling Catholicism Through Translation: Women and French Recusant Literature around Queen Henrietta Maria’s Court (1625-1642)”. Paper presented at the Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting, Toronto, March 18, 2019.

Guénette, M.-F. 2018. “Printed in France to be Read in England: Transnational Networks of Translation in Early Stuart England”. Paper presented at the Society for Renaissance Studies 8th Biennial Conference, University of Sheffield (UK), July 4, 2018.

Guénette, M.-F. 2018. “Translation is a Hawkins Family Affair: Recusant Politics in Early Modern England”. Paper presented at the Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting, New Orleans (United States), March 22, 2018.

Guénette, M.-F. 2017. “Aphra Behn’s Oroonoko in French Tanslation (1745-2009)”. Paper presented at the Aphra Behn and the Burney Society Conference 2017, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh (United States), November 3, 2017.

Guénette, M.-F. 2017. “Agency and Networks in Translation History: The Vase of Thomas Hawkins, Catholic Translator in Protestant England”. Paper presented at the CETRA Summer School, K.U. Leuven, Antwerp (Belgium), September 4, 2017.

Guénette, M.-F. 2017. “Agents of ‘transformission’ at the English Court of Queen Henrietta Maria”. Paper presented at the Early Modern ‘Transformissions’ – Linguistic, material, and cultural translation in England and France (c. 1470-1660) symposium, Université de Montréal, July 5, 2017.

Belle, M.-A. and M.-F. Guénette. 2017. “Documenting and Visualizing Translation and Print Networks in Late Stuart and Commonwealth England: A View from the Paratexts”. Paper presented at the Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing symposium, University of Victoria (Canada), June 12, 2017.

Guénette, M.-F. 2017. “Agents and Political Networks of Translation at the English Court of Queen Henrietta Maria”. Paper presented at the Canadian Association for Translation Studies Conference, Ryerson University, Toronto, May 30, 2017.

Guénette, M.-F. 2017. “Devotional Literature in Translation at the English Court of Henrietta Maria: Thomas Hawkins’ La Cour sainte (1626)”. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for Renaissance Studies Conference, Ryerson University, Toronto, May 27, 2017.

Guénette, M.-F. 2016. “Traducteurs et traductions à la cour anglaise d’Henriette-Marie (1625-1642)”. Paper presented at the Canadian Association for Translation Studies Conference, University of Calgary, June 1, 2016.

Guénette, M.-F. 2014. “Oroonoko d’Aphra Behn en traduction française (1745-2009) : essai de méthodologie historique”. Paper presented at the Canadian Association for Translation Studies Conference, Brock University, St. Catharines, May 28, 2014.

Guénette, M.-F. 2014. “Oroonoko en (re)traduction française aux XXe et XXIe siècles : une œuvre réhabilitée”. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for Renaissance Studies Conference, Brock University, St. Catharines, May 24, 2014.

Guénette, M.-F. 2013. “À la limite de la traduction : le cas de Pierre-Antoine de La Place”. Paper presented at La traduction comme frontière de l’ACFAS, Université Laval, Quebec, May 9, 2013.

Guénette, M.-F. 2013. “Oroonoko ‘en habit français’ : l’horizon traductif de Pierre-Antoine de La Place”, Paper presented at the Voyages in Translation Studies symposium, Concordia University, Montreal, April 10, 2013.

Invited presentations

Guénette, M.-F. 2024. “The Cultural Turn in Translation Studies: Applications to the Study of Translation History”. Institute for Interpreting and Translation Studies, Stockholm University (Sweden), January 24, 2024.

Guénette, M.-F. 2024. “Minor Literature Front and Centre: Ongoing Research on 17th-Century Print and Manuscript Translations”. Institute for Interpreting and Translation Studies, Stockholm University (Sweden), January 18, 2024.

Guénette, M.-F.  2024. “17th-Century Print and Manuscript Translations: Affordances and Limitations of the Archives”. School of Languages and Translation, University of Turku (Finland), January 11, 2024.

Guénette, M.-F., E. Imamovic, and J. Parent. (2023). " Traduire les humanités numériques grâce aux principes de la traduction technique". Invited talk at the Journée d'initiation à la recherche pour les étudiants de premier cycle en traduction, November 21, 2023.

Guénette, M.-F. 2023. “La traduction au 18e siècle en France et les Belles infidèles”. Département des arts, langues et littératures, Université de Sherbrooke, October 10, 2023.

Guénette, M.-F. 2023. “The Cultural Turn in Translation Studies: Applications to the Study of Translation History”. Institute for Interpreting and Translation Studies, Stockholm University (Sweden), January 25, 2023.

Guénette, M.-F. 2022. "Découvrir et comprendre les origines de la traductologie". Guest speaker for podcast Facteurs humains, le balado, season 4, episode 4. Faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines, Université Laval, December 20, 2022. https://www.flsh.ulaval.ca/webdiffusions#masonry-7944

Guénette, M.-F. 2022. “La traduction et le genre : recherches récentes en histoire de la traduction au xviie siècle”. Paper presented at the Département de linguistique et de traduction, Université de Montréal, November 30, 2022.

Guénette, M.-F. and C. Raynor. 2022. “Embedding Multilingualism into the Web Presence of ADHO.” Paper presented at the Digital Humanities Summer Institute, mini-conference Open/Social/Digital Humanities Pedagogy, Training, and Mentorship, University of Victoria, June 6, 2022.

Guénette, M.-F. 2022. “Paratextes imprimés et échanges culturels transnationaux au XVIIe siècle : le cas du Miroir qui ne flatte point”. Paper presented at the Conférences midi, Département de linguistique et de traduction, Université de Montréal, January 20, 2022. https://www.calendrier.umontreal.ca/detail/885312-marie-france-guenette-universite-laval-paratextes-imprimes-et-echanges-culturels-transnationaux-au-17e-s-le-cas-du-miroir-qui-ne-flatte-point.

Guénette, M.-F. 2021. “La traduction imprimée à la cour d’Henriette-Marie, vecteur d’idéologie”. Paper presented at the Séminaire du Groupe de Recherche en histoire des sociabilités (GRHS) titled Diffusion, circulation et appropriation des savoirs, 16e-19e siècles. Université du Québec à Montréal, virtual event, November 19, 2021. http://www.grhs.uqam.ca/diffusion-circulation-et-appropriation-des-savoirs/.

Guénette, M.-F. 2019. “La formation à la méthodologie de recherche en traductologie”. Paper presented at the Département de Langues, Linguistique et Traduction, Université Laval (Quebec), November 6, 2019.

Guénette, M.-F. 2019. “Aphra Behn’s Oroonoko in French Dress, or How the Work was Translated and Received in France from 1745 to 2009”. Paper presented at University of King’s College (Halifax, Nova-Scotia), February 28, 2019. https://ukings.ca/events/aphra-behns-oroonoko-in-french-dress/.

Guénette, M.-F. 2018. “Les femmes en histoire de la traduction : traduction scientifique et mécénat”. Undergraduate class in Translation Studies, Université de Montréal, April 9, 2018.


  • Ph.D. Translation, Université de Montréal, 2021
  • M.A. Translation, Université de Montréal, 2014
  • B.A. (Hons.), French language, literature and translation, McGill University, 2011

Research interests

  • Translation History 17th-21st centuries
  • Literature translated into French and English
  • Digital Humanities and Cultural History