Hummel, K.M. (2021). Introducing second language acquisition: Perspectives and practices (2e éd.). Wiley-Blackwell.
Hummel, K.M. (2014). Introducing second language acquisition: Perspectives and practices. Wiley-Blackwell.
Fromkin, V., Rodman, R., Hyams, N., et Hummel, K.M. (dir.) (2010). An introduction to language (4e éd. canadienne). (722 pages). Nelson.
Hummel, K.M., & Van Drom, A. (2009). Exercise workbook and answer key to accompany Fromkin, Rodman, Hyams, et Hummel, K.M. An introduction to language. Nelson.
Fromkin, V., Rodman, R., Hyams, N., et Hummel, K.M. (dir.) (2006). An introduction to language (3e éd. canadienne) (715 pages). Nelson Thomson.
Chapitres (sur invitation)
Hummel, K.M. (2006). Second language acquisition. Chapitre 8 (pages 347-403). Dans V. Fromkin, R. Rodman, N. Hyams, et K.M. Hummel (dir.) An introduction to language. Nelson Thomson.
Hummel, K.M. (2002). Second language acquisition and working memory. Dans F. Fabbro (dir.), Advances in the neurolinguistics of bilingualism: Festschrift for Michel Paradis, 95-117. Forum.
Hamers, J., et Hummel, K.M. (1998). Language in Quebec: Aboriginal and heritage varieties. Dans J. Edwards (dir.), Language in Canada, 385-398. Cambridge University Press.
Hamers, J., et Hummel, K.M. (1994). The francophones of Quebec: Language policies and language use. Dans R. Bourhis (dir.), International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 106, 127-152.
Hummel, K.M. (1986). Memory for bilingual prose. Dans J. Vaid (dir.), Language processing In bilinguals: psycholinguistic and neurolinguistic perspectives (p. 47-64). N Erlbaum.
Articles, chapitres et actes de colloques (avec comité de lecture) (depuis 1986)
Germain, N., & Hummel, K.M. (sous presse). Impact of early bilingualism on perception and production of new sounds of a third language in young children. International Journal of Bilingualism.
Gagné, N., French, L.M., & Hummel, K.M. (2022). Investigating the contribution of L1 fluency, L2 initial fluency, working memory and phonological memory to L2 fluency development. Language Teaching Research, 1-24,
Hummel, K.M. (2021). Phonological memory and L2 vocabulary learning in a narrated story task. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 50, 603–622.
Hummel, K.M., & French, L.M. (2016). Phonological memory and aptitude components: Contributions to second language proficiency. Learning and Individual Differences, 51, 249–255.
Hummel, K.M. (2013). Target-language community involvement: Second-language linguistic self-confidence and other perceived benefits. Canadian Modern Language Review, 69(1), 65-90.
Hummel, K.M., et French, L.M. (2010). Phonological memory and implications for the second language classroom. Revue canadienne des langues vivantes, 66 (3), 371-391.
Hummel, K.M. (2010). Translation and short-term L2 vocabulary retention: Hindrance or help? Language Teaching Research, 14 (1) (15 pages), 61-74.
Hummel, K.M. (2009). Aptitude, phonological memory, and second language proficiency in nonnovice adult learners. Applied Psycholinguistics, 30, 225-249.
Hummel, K.M. (2005). Early re-exposure to a heritage language: goals, variables, and achievements. Dans J. Cohen, K.T. McAlister, K. Rolstad, et J. MacSwan (dir.), Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB4), Cascadilla Press.
Belmechri, F., et Hummel, K.M. (1998). Orientations and motivation in the acquisition of English as a second language among high school students in Quebec City. Language Learning, 48, 2, 219-244.
Hummel, K.M. (1997) Le lexique bilingue à travers la traduction. Dans J. Auger & Y. Rose (dir.), Explorations du lexique, 3-14. Québec: CIRAL.
Hummel, K.M. (1996a). Bilingual processing: memory for texts. Dans K. Sajavaara & C. Fairweather (dir.), Approaches to second language acquisition, 157-167. Université de Jyväskylä.
Hummel, K.M. (1996b). Translation and second language processing. Actes du IV Congrès international de l’ISAPL (International Society of Applied Psycholinguistics), 184-188, Bologne, Italie.
Hummel, K.M. (1995a). Translation and second language learning. Canadian Modern Language Review, 51, 3, 1-12.
Hummel, K.M. (1993a). Bilingual memory research: from storage to processing issues. Applied Psycholinguistics, 14, 267-284.
Hummel, K.M. (1993b). Bilingual processing. Dans A. Crochetière, J.-C. Boulanger, et C. Ouellon (dir.), Proceedings of the XVth International Congress of Linguists, 9-14 août 1992. Québec: Université Laval.
Hummel, K.M. (1990). Translation and language instruction: psycholinguistic support for translation as an effective pedagogical tool in L2 acquisition. Dans Language & Learning: Theory into Practice, Tasmania: School of Education, Tasmanian State Institute of Technology.
Hummel, K.M. (1989). Some remarks on punctuation differences between English and French. Canadian Modern Language Review, 45, 2, 357-361.
Hummel, K.M. (1988). Bilingual lexical representation research: critical remarks. Langues et linguistique, 14, pp. 91-105.
Articles, chapitres et actes de colloques (sans comité de lecture)
Hummel, K.M. (2012). Memory and language learning. Contact, the English language learning magazine, 38(4), pp. 13-21, TESL Ontario.
Comptes rendus
Hummel, K.M. (2011). Motivation and second language acquisition: The socio-educational model, by R.C. Gardner. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 1-3. iFirst article (DOI:10.1080/01434632.2011.614083).
Hummel, K.M. (1995b). Progression and regression in language, dans K. Hyltenstam & A. Viberg (dir.) Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics Review, 17 (book review, 4 pages).
Rapport de recherche
Rapport final, projet de recherche subventionné par Conseil canadien sur l'apprentissage (56 pages).
«Minority-language community involvement and second language learning: Target language opportunities for future English teachers in Quebec City».
Hummel, K.M., et Piccinin, H. (2009). Community involvement and training teachers of English as a second language in Quebec City. Video (17 minutes). Productions: Voir Autrement.
Sites Web
Hummel, K.M. Renseignements par rapport au projet de recherche du CCA (Conseil canadien sur l’apprentissage).