Zone d'information facultaire

Étudiez en littératures et linguistique anglaises


An exciting study option!

English Literatures and Linguistics: Learn the benefits

Our programs in English Literatures and Linguistics allow you to deepen your knowledge of Canadian, American, British and Postcolonial literatures and cultures. Courses in these programs often intersect with other fields in the arts, such as film and music.

Program faculty teach courses and seminars that allow you to enrich your knowledge of English-language culture and develop valuable skills for teaching and research.

Main benefits of your training

English immersion

English immersion

Programs are taught entirely in English so that you can immerse yourself in the world of Canadian, American, and British literatures and cultures.

Varied course offerings

Varied course offerings

Our English Literatures and Linguistics programs offer a great opportunity to improve your knowledge of Canadian, British and Irish, American, and post-colonial (Africa, South Asia, Australia) literatures.

Work experience

Work experience

As a student in the Department of Literature, Theatre and Film, you have the option of doing an internship at the Morrin Centre Library in Quebec City. It’s a valuable opportunity to gain work experience and build your résumé.

Undergraduate studies

Get a comprehensive education in one of our specialized programs. Study in English literatures and linguistics.

Graduate studies

Deepen your knowledge and develop your expertise in English literatures and linguistics. Take your learning to the next level.

Academic advising

An academic advisor is available to answer your questions about the different program options available.

Scholarships and financial aid

The Student Awards and Financial Aid Office (BBAF) lists the various scholarships and loans you may have access to. A number of scholarships are available for your discipline.


Alex Beaudoin

Teacher and graduate of the Bachelor’s Degree in English Studies and Master’s Degree in English Literatures programs

“I’m very happy with my training in English literature. The teaching faculty not only has extensive expertise, but the number of professors is also relatively small, which makes it easy to forge connections. The time I spent in the program opened up all kinds of windows I would not have considered otherwise. I had to improve my critical thinking skills and my knowledge of the English language to meet the program requirements. It helped prepare me for the challenges of teaching.”

Félix McMurray

Bachelor’s Degree in English Literatures and Linguistics

I chose the Bachelor’s Degree in English Literatures and Linguistics because I want to be a college English teacher. The program not only helps me prepare for a teaching career, but also broadens my horizons. The literature courses explore a corpus spanning the United States, Canada, England, Africa, and many other places—I couldn’t ask for more to feed my intellectual curiosity. The other great thing is that Université Laval offers a degree track with no concentration, which means I can also study English linguistics without compromising my insatiable thirst for exploring English literature. This ideal blend of two fields is one of the program’s main strengths. I encourage you to experience this exciting intellectual journey for yourself.

Tom Morissette-Veilleux

Diplômé du baccalauréat en littératures et linguistique anglaises

“Originally a student in the baccalauréat en études multidisciplinaires with the goal of moving toward film studies at the graduate level, I chose to take certificat en littératures et linguistique anglaises as one of my certificates after one of my film studies professors suggested it to me. Unsure of the interest I could muster for English literature and linguistics, I still decided to take 3 classes in that certificate during my 1st semester. I was rapidly enthused by the positive energy of the professors, their passion for their respective field, and the quality of the courses' content. As a result, shortly after my 1st semester I considered the possibility of moving to the baccalauréat en littératures et linguistique anglaises (B-LLA) to be able to dig deeper into the English language, particularly prose. Gradually, I discovered a strong interest in many of the authors we studied, and I learned to appreciate my professors even more. In the B-LLA, we have, in my opinion, some of the best and most wonderful teachers out there. Not taking anything away from the faculty, I would also like to mention that the students in the B-LLA, while not numerous, are a serious, engaged, and welcoming bunch. I have made multiple friends in my 2 years in the program, all of whom helped me to improve both my spoken and written English. In the B-LLA, I have also had the chance to meet multiple exchange students coming from countries such as Australia, France, Germany, and England. The relationships I developed with some of these students ultimately led me to go on a student exchange myself. To conclude, for anyone considering the opportunity of enlisting for the B-LLA, or any of the other programs connected to it, and who would like to know if it is worth it—well, I give you a resounding “YES!” Come join us. You will not regret it.”

Jeanne Lebossé-Gautron

Diplômée du baccalauréat en littératures et linguistique anglaises et de la maîtrise en littérature d'expression anglaise

"The Laval English Literature program is taught by wonderful, passionate teachers who happily share their knowledge with the students. I learned much more than I had even hoped to in my 3 years in the B-LLA, as the program lets us explore literature from all over the world and of all genres. The B-LLA also gave me the opportunity to spend a semester abroad in the gorgeous city of York, allowing me to further my studies in English Literature and travel to Europe at the same time. It even gave me the chance to see a Shakespeare play in the famous Swan Theatre!"

Marianne Paquin

Diplômée du baccalauréat en littératures et linguistique anglaises et étudiante à la maîtrise en littératures d'expression anglaise

“I had a great experience as B-LLA student at the Université Laval. The diversified courses allowed me to read works of literature from all around the world, making me explore many different cultures in a moving and thrilling way. The extraordinary teachers are passionate about their subjects and supportive of their students. The university offers useful services such as the library and the Writing Center. Also, during my program, I had the opportunity to study abroad in England, which was a life-changing experience. All of this made my years as an undergraduate student dynamic and engaging, and I am excited to continue at the graduate level.”

Contact the program director to find out more

Program director